Yepz. I’m in the place to make love, a small town named Woodstock to be precise – just about 1-2 hours north of Chicago.
Last days I spend in Chicago, but my energy for exploration is a little worn out / drained. So browsed the city a little yesterday, wandered the streets, didn’t felt like visiting the highlights (Sears Towers or some of the museums) and eventually took ’the L’ (the metro/train/subway system) and drove to the suburbs. Hoped to catch a Cubs game, but they played in another city. So eventually I walked a little in the suburbs and took the train back to my hotel.
Last night I went to the movies, the Bourne Ultimatum. Took me about 45 minutes to find the movie theater, but eventually it was a nice big theater and a nice movie – so that was nice.
This morning I tried to catch an earlier flight back to Amsterdam, like I said before… I’m kinda tired of all the exploration. But I could only buy a new ticket, which would cost me about $2700… so never mind 😀
So I drove a few hours, into the more rural scenery’s again and I’m in Woodstock. Just viewed another movie in the small town movie theater here. Very nice town too… nice square with a park and stuff.
Tomorrow I’ll be heading a little more south, we’ll see where we will end up. And Monday I’ll be heading back to the airport and catch my flight back home.
Kinda have mixed feelings about that. Really looking forward to get back home, seeing my friends and family again. But I know I will miss all the new things here. The Netherlands sounds so boring and been-there-done-that. Now I discover and experience new things every day and even the basic things (eating, driving etc) are still special. Back at home that won’t be the case, but it’s gonna be nice to be back home again.
So ok. That’s my update. Drove about 3500 miles now (which is about 5600 km) and shot about 4000-5000 pictures. Other facts I can give when asked, so ask 🙂