Games are back and they start to take over my world again. Combined with watching some movies or series, games aree now back and being my number 1 time waster. One month ago, Halo3 started the big game wave and the following months will be filled with the release of some other pretty kewl games (all Xbox360):
Assassins Creed
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Mass Effect
Guitar Hero III
Project Gotham Racing 4
and more…
Most of them I won’t buy, but a couple are seriously considered. And one or two are just must-buys.
For instance Assassins Creed. This game will be released next week and I’m sure I will buy this one.
Assassins Creed
In January the game Burnout Paradise will hit the stores. Probably another must buy. But will first check the demo before I get me this one.
Burnout Paradise
And after playing the demo of Project Gotham Racing 4 last night with Craggie, this game entered the maybe-buy-list now too.
A lot games are hitting the shelves next few months. And probably more than I can chew. So I’ll have to make some choices. But that’s gonna be kewl. Having a lot to choose from 😉