Yeah. I did it. After spending about 2 hours in the internet cafe… while chatting with my baby… I’ve uploaded the first bunch of pictures to Flickr. Watch and enjoy!
Een eiland in de oceaan van weblogs
Yeah. I did it. After spending about 2 hours in the internet cafe… while chatting with my baby… I’ve uploaded the first bunch of pictures to Flickr. Watch and enjoy!
momá schreef:
Wat een mooie plaatjes. Onze trip naar Canada komt hiermee weer helemaal terug. We zijn benieuwd naar ’t vervolg.
Prachtig weer trouwens ook daar in het verre westen. Veel succes bij je volgende stap.
donderdag 06 september 2007 — 09:03
Paul schreef:
Ha! I’m getting hungry with all the pictures of faaaast food 😀
donderdag 06 september 2007 — 14:33
Eva schreef:
Skar its so great to read your experiences, but i love the pics they say so much more. Try to see much as you can, but remember its just a hollyday 😉 ha ha ha..
Peter says HI and misses you.
vrijdag 07 september 2007 — 15:02
skar schreef:
From an internet cafe in Seattle
@mom: Yeah… everything looks so stunning. I love it. Vancouver is awesome and really a place I can recomment to visit some day!
@paul: yeah… i also took some pics of normal food, but it’s not easy to walk into a restaurant by yourself… and also not when you are on a budget
@eva: i will upload some more pics now… and I’m fully aware of this being a holiday… thanks for reminding me :-S
vrijdag 07 september 2007 — 19:02